ROBOTICS & ethics
PUBLIC administration ethics
AGING -- Government policy
MEDICAL policy
MEDICAL ethics
ROBOTICS -- Law & legislation
MORAL & ethical aspects
Some electronics experts believe that robots, like present-day computers, will be commonplace. A diverse assortment of robots, with varying purposes, capacities, forms, and sizes, is emerging with significant implications for the policy, service and regulatory responsibilities of government. This paper explores three public policy fields - aging, health care and defence - where the use of robotics is already substantial or where it is projected to grow substantially and where significant ethical issues exist or are anticipated. Applying ethical theories to the use of robotics is difficult. In the near-term, the focus should be on the ethical standards and behaviour of those designing, manufacturing, programming and operating robots. Several key topics in contemporary public sector ethics, including personal moral responsibility, privacy and accountability, are central to the emerging field of robot ethics. This suggests developing an ethics regime for robotics and examining the need for laws and regulations governing its use. Sommaire Certains experts en electronique pensent que les robots, tout comme les ordinateurs d'aujourd'hui, seront bientot chose courante. Tout un assortiment de robots aux objectifs, capacites, formes et tailles variees, est en train de voir le jour, avec des repercussions considerables sur les responsabilites du gouvernement en matiere de politiques, de services et de reglementation. Cet article examine trois domaines de politique publique - le vieillissement, les soins de sante et la defense - dans lesquels l'utilisation de la robotique est deja considerable, ou prevue de s'accroitre enormement et oU d'importantes questions d'ethique existent ou sont anticipees. L'application des theories ethiques a l'utilisation de la robotique est un defi de taille. L'attention a court terme porte sur les normes d'ethique et le comportement des personnes qui interviennent dans la conception, la fabrication, la programmation et le fonctionnement des robots.