Unmanned underwater vehicles
Robot sensing systems
Swarm algorithms
swarm behaviors
swarm robotics
underwater robotics
underwater communication
As technology advances, the places we have been able to explore have drastically increased. However, the advancements in the underwater realm have staggered behind both the exploration of surface and air domains. This is due in part to the challenges that arise when placing a robot in water. One current shift has seen the use of a swarm of robots that are cheaper and are of a lower quality, that work together to accomplish a common goal, as opposed to using a single expensive robot. Swarm robotics benefits from being more tolerant of catastrophic failure and can cover large areas in smaller time frames. However, unlike other advancements in technology, underwater swarm robotics have struggled to compete with its counterparts on the surface and in the air. This is mainly due to the problems with communication underwater, the hazardous environment, the cost and difficulties with construction of underwater robots. This article conducts a literature review into the current state of underwater swarm robotics;it covers the design of the underwater robots, the methods used by the individual robot to perceive their environment, how they can localize to said environment, the methods of communication available underwater, centralized and decentralized control, the basis of swarm algorithms, the behaviors that are exhibited when a swarm works collectively and how swarms have been applied underwater.