在人工智能(AI)技术迅猛发展的当下,AI算力企业已跃升为各行业创新的核心驱动力。随着AI技术的广泛应用,市场对AI算力的需求激增,驱动众多企业加大投资力度,AI算力市场呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。本文基于2023年20家AI算力企业的数据,综合考虑了财务与非财务因素,从偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力、成长能力、技术创新能力及竞争能力六大维度出发,构建了一套全面的企业价值评估指标体系。通过运用聚类主成分分析法,本研究对这些企业的价值进行评估。结果显示,我国AI算力企业在经营管理上表现出明显的差异,因此,各企业应结合自身的优势与不足,制定相应的发展战略,以全面提升企业价值。At a time when Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is developing rapidly, AI arithmetic enterprises have jumped to become the core driving force for innovation in various industries. With the widespread application of AI technology, the market demand for AI arithmetic has surged, driving many enterprises to increase their investment, and the AI arithmetic market has shown a booming trend. Based on the data of 20 AI arithmetic companies in 2023, this paper constructs a comprehensive enterprise value assessment index system from six dimensions, namely, solvency, profitability, operating ability, growth ability, technological innovation ability and competitive ability, taking into account both financial and non-financial factors. By using clustered principal component analysis, this study assesses the value of these enterprises. The results show that China’s AI arithmetic enterprises show obvious differences in operation and management, therefore, each enterprise should combine its own advantages and shortcomings and formulate a corresponding development strategy in order to comprehensively enhance its enterprise value.