本文以2017~2022年我国A股高技术产业中的284家上市公司为研究样本,研究了研发投入对企业创新新颖性的作用机理。研究表明:第一,研发投入对重组再利用新颖性起正向促进作用,但对重组创造新颖性的正向作用不显著。第二,市场竞争正向调节研发投入与企业重组再利用新颖性的关系,但对研发投入与企业重组创造新颖性的调节作用不显著。第三,研发投入对国有企业的重组再利用新颖性与重组创造新颖性均起正向促进作用,但对非国有企业的重组再利用新颖性与重组创造新颖性的作用均不显著。第四,研发投入对大型、小型企业重组再利用新颖性均起正向促进作用,但对大型企业重组创造新颖性起负向抑制作用,对小型企业重组再利用新颖性的促进作用不显著。本文可以为企业提高创新新颖性提供理论支持和实证依据,同时有助于企业在不同竞争环境下调整创新策略。Taking 284 listed companies in China’s A-share high-tech industry from 2017~2022 as a research sample, this paper studies the mechanism of R&D investment on enterprise innovation novelty. The study shows that: first, R&D investment positively promotes recombinant reuse novelty, but the positive effect on recombinant creation novelty is not significant;second, market competition positively moderates the relationship between R&D investment and corporate recombinant reuse novelty, but the moderating effect on R&D investment and corporate recombinant creation novelty is not significant. Third, R&D investment positively promotes both recombinant reuse novelty and recombinant creation novelty in state-owned enterprises, but the effect on recombinant reuse novelty and recombinant creation novelty in non-state-owned enterprises is not significant. Fourth, R&D investment positively promotes recombinant reuse novelty in both large and small firms but negatively inhibits recombinant creation novelty in large firms and insignificantly promotes recombinant reuse novelty in small firms. This paper can provide theoretical support and empirical evidence for enterprises to improve innovation novelty, and at the same time help enterprises to adjust their innovation strategies in different competitive environments.