随着互联网技术的快速发展和全球市场的日益开放,越来越多的企业开始涉足跨境电商领域,寻求新的增长点。然而,不同国家和地区的文化差异对跨境电商企业的网络营销策略构成了重大挑战。这些差异不仅体现在消费者的购买习惯、支付方式、物流偏好等方面,还涉及到语言、信仰、价值观、社会阶层和生活方式等多个层面。本文从文化差异视角下跨境电商企业的网络营销的重要价值出发,分析文化差异对跨境电商网络营销的主要影响,最后提出基于文化差异下的跨境电商网络营销策略,以期为跨境电商企业在复杂多变的国际市场环境中取得竞争优势提供参考和指导。With the rapid development of internet technology and the increasing openness of the global market, more and more enterprises are venturing into the field of cross-border e-commerce, seeking new points of growth. However, cultural differences among different countries and regions pose significant challenges to the online marketing strategies of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. These differences are not only reflected in consumers’ purchasing habits, payment methods, logistics preferences, but also involve aspects such as language, beliefs, values, social class and lifestyle. This article starts from the important value of online marketing for cross-border e-commerce enterprises from the perspective of cultural differences, analyzes the main impacts of cultural differences on cross-border e-commerce online marketing, and finally proposes online marketing strategies based on cultural differences for cross-border e-commerce, in hopes of providing reference and guidance for cross-border e-commerce enterprises to gain competitive advantages in the complex and ever-changing international market environment.