随着数字技术的不断推进,市场环境日益复杂多变,生鲜电商企业面临着竞争激烈和技术创新的挑战,如何在这一动态环境中提升数字化韧性已成为关键议题。但现有研究大多聚焦于单一视角,鲜有提及技术、组织和环境三重因素的联动作用,因此本文基于fsQCA分析对28家生鲜电商企业展开实证研究,系统探讨了其数字化韧性的前因组态。研究发现:(1) 生鲜电商企业数字化韧性受到技术更新力、组织恢复力、环境适应力三个层面的条件联合影响。(2) 生鲜电商企业有7种数字化韧性提升路径。(3) 根据主导因素的差异,7种提升路径可归纳为三类:综合型、组织环境型、技术组织型。在实证分析结果的基础上,本文提出了3种数字化韧性提升建议:常态化布局口碑,灵活应对市场竞争;增强组织文化,落实企业社会责任;加快技术研发和数字化转型。With the continuous advancement of digital economy, the market ecology is becoming increasingly complex and changeable, and fresh e-commerce enterprises are facing the challenges of fierce competition and technological innovation. How to enhance digital resilience in this dynamic environment has become a key issue. However, most of the existing studies focus on a single perspective, and rarely mention the linkage of technology, organization and environment. Therefore, this paper conducts an empirical study on 28 fresh e-commerce enterprises based on fsQCA analysis, and systematically discusses the antecedent configuration of their digital resilience. The findings are as follows: (1) The digital resilience of fresh e-commerce enterprises is jointly influenced by three factors: technological innovation, organizational resilience and environmental adaptability. (2) Fresh e-commerce enterprises have seven digital resilience improvement paths. (3) According to the differences of leading factors, the seven promotion paths can be classified into three categories: comprehensive, organizational environment and technical organization. Based on the results of empirical analysis, this paper puts forward three suggestions to improve the digital resilience: normalize the layout of word-of-mouth and flexibly respond to market competition;strengthen organizational culture and implement corporate social responsibility;accelerate technology research and development and digital transformation.