The present thesis is conceived as a commentary to the attached publications and represents several years of study of the fossil woods from the volcanic rocks of the České středohoří and Doupovské hory Mts. (Paleogene, Czech Republic). A brief introduction to the subject is followed by an overview of the used methods, a short geological setting and the history of fossil wood research in the study area. The results are presented by individual localities, where the description of the locality is followed by a systematic evaluation of the fossil woods. In the studied fossil wood material, there are 3 conifers from 2 families: Glyptostroboxylon rudolphii, Taxodioxylon gypsaceum (both Cupressaceae s.l.) and Pinuxylon parryoides (Pinaceae) and 17 angiosperms from 9 families: Cinnamomoxylon seemanianum (Lauraceae), Platanoxylon bohemicum, Platanoxylon sp. (both Platanaceae), Ulmoxylon marchesonii, Ulmoxylon cf. kersonianum, ?Ulmoxylon sp. (all Ulmaceae), Quercoxylon böckhianum, Castanoxylon bavaricum, Lithocarpoxylon sp. (all Fagaceae), Eucaryoxylon crystallophorum (Juglandaceae), Alnus tschemrylica (Betulaceae), Grewioxylon ortenburgense, cf. Grewioxylon ortenburgense (both Malvaceae s.l.), Paradiospyroxylon kvacekii (Ebenaceae), Fraxinoxylon cf. prambachense (Oleaceae) and two indeterminable samples...