随着大数据时代的全面到来,人工智能技术以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展,为教育领域带来了前所未有的变革。数字化教育以其丰富的教学资源和便捷的获取方式,极大地拓宽了学习的边界,提升了教育质量。然而,在这一进程中,我们也必须正视其伴随的诸多弊端与潜在隐患,如信息过载、隐私安全、教育公平等问题。基于当前教育行业的社会现状,文章旨在倡导合理且审慎地应用人工智能技术,旨在优化教育行业的整体发展模式。具体而言,建议通过深化技术研究,开发更加智能、个性化的教学系统,同时加强人工智能的监督与安全保障功能,确保技术应用的伦理性与合法性。这样不仅能够充分发挥人工智能在教育领域的优势,如精准教学、智能评估等,还能有效防范潜在风险,保障学习者的权益。With the full arrival of the big data era, artificial intelligence technology has flourished at an unprecedented pace, bringing about unprecedented changes to the field of education. Digital education, with its abundant teaching resources and convenient access, has significantly broadened the boundaries of learning and enhanced the quality of education. However, in this process, we must also confront the numerous drawbacks and potential hazards that accompany it, such as information overload, privacy concerns, and issues of educational equity. Based on the current social status of the education industry, this article aims to advocate for the rational and prudent application of artificial intelligence technology, with the goal of optimizing the overall development model of the education sector. Specifically, it suggests deepening technological research to develop more intelligent and personalized teaching systems, while strengthening the supervision and security functions of artificial intelligence to ensure the ethical and legal application of technology. This will not only fully leverage the advantages of artificial intelligence in education, such as precision teaching and intelligent assessment, but also effectively prevent potential risks and safeguard learners’ rights.