Over the next decade of LHC operation the instantaneous luminosity will reach up 7.5 times the design value with over 200 interactions per bunch-crossing. This will pose unprecedented challenges for the ATLAS trigger system.
We report on a prototype of the High Level Trigger software that maximizes commonality with offline reconstruction software while retaining the key aspects of trigger functionality including regional reconstruction and early event rejection. We report on the first experience of migrating trigger algorithms to this new framework and present the next steps towards a full implementation of the ATLAS trigger within AthenaMT.
为有效降低线路巡查和维护难度,本设计采用风光互补方式为监测装置供电,采用超低功耗芯片STM32L0为控制核心,MAX II CPLD芯片EPM240G采集雷击高速信号,数据通过GPRS DTU无线传输模块传送到工作站,实现了对输电线路雷击状态的在线监测,为故障点判定、故障排除以及绝缘隐患发现提供依据。