Multithreaded programs
Shared memory
Structural testing
Coverage criteria
Experimental evaluation
Concurrent software testing is a challenging activity due to factors that are not present in sequential programs, such as communication, synchronization, and non-determinism, and that directly affect the testing process. When we consider multithreaded programs, new challenges for the testing activity are imposed. In the context of structural testing, an important problem raised is how to deal with the coverage of shared variables in order to establish the association between def-use of shared variables. This paper presents results related to the structural testing of multithreaded programs, including testing criteria for coverage testing, a supporting tool, called ValiPthread testing tool and results of an experimental study. This study was conducted to evaluate the cost, effectiveness, and strength of the testing criteria. Also, the study evaluates the contribution of these testing criteria to test specific aspects of multithreaded programs. The experimental results show evidence that the testing criteria present lower cost and higher effectiveness when revealing some kinds of defects, such as deadlock and critical region block. Also, compared to sequential testing criteria, the proposed criteria show that it is important to establish specific coverage testing for multithreaded programs.