The Power-to-X (P2X) concept is built around energy conversion and storage technologies, and the term is often associated with renewable energy production management and levelling solutions. In the P2X concept, energy is converted to a storable or usable form X, which in this work is hydrogen, meaning that P2X is specified as Power-to-Hydrogen (P2H2). The purpose of the work was to perform a profitability study that examines three different production scenarios' effects on the P2H2 production plant's profits. The investigated production scenarios included production capacity increase, participation in electricity reserve markets, and the sale of district heat generated from waste heat, in addition to the base operation. Along with the study of the production scenarios, a comprehensive literature review of the P2X concept, the related market needs, and the optimization with mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) used in the research was included in the work. The profitability study of the P2H2 production plant was conducted for Valmet Automation Oy in cooperation with Energy Opticon AB, Woikoski Oy, and Tampereen Energia Oy. The research was done with the Energy Optima 3 (EO3) optimization application from Energy Opticon AB. The system to be studied was first modelled in the optimization tool, which was used for calculating the results of the research questions. Woikoski Oy helped with the modelling and dimensioning of the hydrogen production plant by providing some of the necessary initial data and parameters. Tampereen Energia Oy, on the other hand, assisted in determining the price of the district heat purchased by an energy company. Some of the initial data needed for the work was obtained also from the literature. The initial data needed for the research can be divided into three groups. The first of these consists of the information required by the P2H2 production plant, which is for the alkaline (AWE) electrolyzers, hydrogen compressor, hydrogen storage, hydr