The purpose of the thesis is to analyze preferences for increasing the probability of conceiving. Willingness to pay for increasing the probability of conceiving is estimated using the private good scenario and a new complex of vitamins and minerals as the contingent product. Specifically, we use the discrete choice experiment with three attributes: the increase in the probability of conceiving, the number of months of trying to conceive from when this probability will be increased, and the cost to be paid for this product. Data are obtained through a stated preference survey conducted in 2014 in four European countries (the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the Netherlands). We estimate a mixed logit model, allowing for unobserved preference heterogeneity. We find that people are willing to pay to increase a female's probability of conceiving, and their willingness to pay is higher after 12 months of trying to conceive when one is becoming infertile. Respondents are willing to pay for increasing the chance to conceive even during the period when they are not diagnosed as infertile, i. e., from 6 months of trying to conceive, except in the Netherlands. Italians are willing to pay the most, while Dutch are willing to pay the least. By controlling for the main characteristics of respondents, we find that being a female over 35 years, having experienced infertility, and perceiving probability as lower than average is increasing the probability to pay for the contingent good and hence increasing the willingness to pay for increasing the probability to conceive. Likewise, people with higher income and those reporting risky behavior (smoking and drinking alcohol) are willing to pay more. On the contrary, parents who already have a child and people who experienced abortion are willing to pay less. Considering other co-benefits while choosing the program is increasing willingness to pay, but its effect varies across countries and which part of the utility funct