电商网络平台的兴起正是互联网时代下,电商网络媒体不断向网络空间扩张的结果。由于平台数据具有非排他性、利益交织性等特点,电商网络平台持有的数据在权属和利用上都争论不休,仍然无法解决不同权利主体之间利益的冲突与平衡。以赋权方式保护电商网络平台数据财产利益与既有的物权、债权、知识产权体系难以相容。而新型数据财产权学说仍然强调电商网络平台对于数据的支配性,仍然无法解决此问题。平台数据的法律保护机制是一种共赢机制的设计,需要将个人、平台、社会利益纳入考虑框架。在平台对于数据的处理流程中,数据之上的人格利益与财产利益的保护程度是不同的,考虑到平台数据具有非排他性、利益交织性等特点,从利益角度界定与保护平台数据财产更具有理论基础和现实意义,因此应当建立一种阶段化和场景化的保护路径。The rise of e-commerce network platforms is precisely the result of the continuous expansion of e-commerce network media into cyberspace in the Internet era. Due to the non-exclusivity and intertwined interests of platform data, the data held by e-commerce network platforms have been debated on both ownership and utilization, and it is still not possible to resolve the conflict and balance of interests between different rights holders. The protection of e-commerce network platform data property interests by empowerment is incompatible with the established property rights, claims and intellectual property rights system. The new data property rights doctrine still emphasizes the dominance of the e-commerce network platform over the data, and still fails to solve this problem. The legal protection mechanism of platform data is the design of a win-win mechanism, which needs to include the interests of individuals, platforms, and society into the consideration framework. In the platform’s data processing process, the degree of protection of personality interests and property interests over the data is different. Considering that the platform data has the characteristics of non-exclusivity and intertwined interests, defining and protecting the platform data property from the perspective of interests is more theoretically grounded and realistic, and therefore a stage-by-stage and scenario-based protection path should be established.