随着互联网技术的蓬勃发展,线上销售成为化妆品领域的重要推手,尤其是中国本土品牌如完美日记在网络营销上异军突起,一度超越国际大牌。然而,面对激烈的市场竞争,完美日记也遭遇销量与口碑下滑的挑战,暴露出重营销轻产品、轻用户维护、合作定位模糊、投入与效果不匹配及策略缺乏整体性等问题。为此,建议其应专注产品品质与研发、提升用户服务以增强粘性、精准选择商业合作并明确品牌定位、加强新媒体平台精准运营,并健全网络营销渠道。完美日记的成功启示我们,网络营销策略虽关键,但产品质量、用户体验及全面策略规划同样不可或缺。With the rapid development of Internet technology, online sales have become an important driving force in the cosmetics industry. In particular, Chinese local brands such as Perfect Diary have made a breakthrough in online marketing and once surpassed international brands. However, in the face of fierce market competition, Perfect Diary has also encountered the challenges of declining sales and reputation, revealing problems such as focusing on marketing and neglecting products, light user maintenance, vague cooperation positioning, mismatch between input and effect, and lack of overall strategy. Therefore, it is recommended that it should focus on product quality and research and development, improve user services to enhance stickiness, accurately choose business cooperation and clarify brand positioning, strengthen the precise operation of new media platforms, and improve online marketing channels. The success of Perfect Diary enlightens us that although online marketing strategies are crucial, product quality, user experience and comprehensive strategy planning are equally indispensable.