网络游戏行业是一个快速发展的新兴行业,吸引了越来越多的消费者的关注。当前网络游戏消费者的消费领域偏好随着网络游戏的不断发展,越来越多的用户将会参与到网络游戏中来,网络游戏将会成为一个巨大而充满机遇的市场。同时,该行业中的消费者满意度和忠诚度越来越高,品牌竞争将会更加激烈,因此,网络游戏企业需要不断更新和改进自身的产品和服务,以满足消费者更高的需求和期望。本文通过以网络游戏消费的所有可能受众为研究对象,主要运用爬虫、K-means聚类、热力图的方法分析网络游戏的主要消费领域,对消费人群进行画像并研究影响网络游戏消费意愿的因素,最后根据以上的数据分析结果为网络游戏企业给出可行性建议。The online gaming industry is a rapidly developing emerging sector that is attracting increasing consumer attention. As the online gaming industry continues to evolve, the preferences of current online game consumers are shifting, and more users are expected to engage in online gaming. This will turn online gaming into a vast and opportunity-rich market. Meanwhile, consumer satisfaction and loyalty within this industry are steadily increasing, leading to more intense brand competition. Consequently, online gaming companies need to continuously update and improve their products and services to meet the higher demands and expectations of consumers. This article takes all potential audiences of online game consumption as the research subjects, primarily utilizing methods such as web crawling, K-means clustering, and heatmaps to analyze the main consumption areas of online games. It profiles the consumer groups and studies the factors influencing their willingness to consume online games. Finally, based on the data analysis results, it provides feasible suggestions for online gaming companies.