Industrial air pollution
Climate-oriented production system
Environmental monitoring
Machine learning
Artificial neural network
Predictive model
Lagrangian dispersion
The paper is devoted to solving the problem, associated with increasing the forecasting accuracy of pollutant concentration level based on PM25 dust. The LANN model (LANN - Lagrange powered Artificial Neuron Network), proposed in the paper, allows you to take into account the mutual influence of pollution sources on the concentration level at monitoring points, which, on the one hand, allows to manage the volume of emissions from industrial enterprises in such away as to avoid penalties and, on the other hand, allows the regulatory agencies to determine points for environmental control, at which permissible standards will be most likely exceeded. The suggested solution makes it possible to use low-cost IoT-based air quality monitoring devices, which were primarily considered not applicable due to their low accuracy and exposure to the influence of short-term stochastic factors;besides, no models were available, which would be capable to provide the necessary accuracy and forecast horizon on the base of IoT data. At the same time, the obtained model has low requirements for computing resources compared to dispersion models and is dependent on the accuracy of weather information;besides, the model allows you to take into account trends and obtain better forecast values in terms of accuracy than the models, that use regression methods, neural network models and ML models, stochastic models and their ensembles. The application of the model improves well-known pollutant dispersion estimation calculation techniques through the use of measurement data flow and dynamic adaptation to changing conditions. The model was trained on the dataset over the period 2022-2023 collected from 5 monitoring devices, which were installed in the catchment area of the group, incl. 13 industrial points of PM25 pollutant sources.