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张芹飞 李玉琼 赵欣 罗芳 
《全科护理》  2020年 第5期18卷 561-563页
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
田雅军 张亚利 钱忠立 
《健康研究》  2020年 第1期40卷 16-18,21页
杨晋杰 黄秀艳 张仰恩 
《全科护理》  2020年 第6期18卷 693-695页
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
向黔灵 江智霞 
《全科护理》  2020年 第5期18卷 553-554页
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
尤艳丽 方登星 徐梦 
《全科护理》  2020年 第5期18卷 563-565页
2019年12月底,武汉市出现了新型冠状病毒肺炎病例,世界卫生组织暂时将该病毒命名为2019-nCoV[1];2020年2月11日,世界卫生组织将新型冠状病毒的名称确定为SARS-CoV-2。该病毒主要通过飞沫和接触传播,在封闭、不通风的地方通过气溶胶传播的风险高,也有通过粪-口途径传播的可能。新型冠状病毒肺炎潜伏期1~14 d,一般3~7 d。
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
黄小萍 柯萍 
《全科护理》  2020年 第5期18卷 548-550页
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
李闻涓 任晋生 李慧 陈颖 侯宁宁 罗兴洪 
《药物评价研究》  2020年 第3期43卷 392-395页
《中国临床研究》  2020年 第2期33卷 179-179页
China Faces Up to COVID-19
《China Today》  2020年 第3期69卷 12-17页
IN December 2019, the pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus began to appear in Wuhan,which was later named as COVID-19 by the WHO. It was soon found to be very *** order to curb the further spread of the epidemic,Wuhan started an entire city lockdown on January 23, 2020. Other places around China then began to take tailored strict measuresto contain the virus.
CPPIT Action to Combat the COVID-19
Qi Li 
《China's Foreign Trade》  2020年 第1期 8-11页
Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus in Wuhan in December 2019,this epidemic soon spread out across the *** World Health Organization(WHO)has declared the outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern on January *** epidemic impact on companies trading internationally have attracted world attention.
来源: 国家哲学社会科学学术...
A Fightfor COVID-19 by Chian Daily Chemical Industry
Wang Wanxu 
《China Detergent & Cosmetics》  2020年 第1期 3-3页
Dear readers At the beginning of 2020,a sudden"storm"swept across China-the outbreak of COVID-19 of Wuhan City,Hubei Province,spread rapidly in the whole *** the face of this crisis,all the parties within China’s daily chemical industry actively responded to the event and meticulously organized for assisting,played a vital role and became the indispensable backbone of the fight against the outbreak of COVID-19Since the happening of this epidemic,China’s daily chemical industry
Thinking on Cleaning Industry under the Epidemic of COVID-19
Wang Wanxu 
《China Detergent & Cosmetics》  2020年 第1期5卷 19-22页
The year of 2020 must be recorded as a year with major events in Chinese ***,the unique way of Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival will be also *** the whole nation was prepared to celebrate the Spring Festival,a highly contagious novel coronavirus called COVID-19 broke out,unscrupulously eroding the lungs of the human body and threatening people’s *** virus developed so rapidly that spread around China and even the whole world in a short *** Chinese government fights against the...
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
Coronavirus disease(COVID-19):The need to maintain regular physical activity while taking precautions
Peijie Chen Lijuan Mao George P.Nassis Peter Harmer Barbara E.Ainsworth Fuzhong Li 
《Journal of Sport and Health Science》  2020年 第2期9卷 103-104页
The on-going Coronavirus disease(COVID-19)outbreak in China has become the world's leading health headline and is causing major panic and public *** January 30,2020,the World Health Organization(WHO)declared that the new coronavirus outbreak is a public health emergency of international concern.1 The virus has already had a direct impact on more than 10 million people in the city of Wuhan and has reached other parts of China as well,posing a health threat of unknown magnitude *** of February ...
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台 ScienceDirect Journal ScienceDirect Journa... 国家哲学社会科学学术... MEDLINE期刊 更多
A Brief Analysis on the Impact of COVID-19 on China’s Cosmetics Industry
Gong Shuhui 
《China Detergent & Cosmetics》  2020年 第1期5卷 23-24页
At the outset of 2020,an infectious disease called COVID-19 shocked China in a very short *** for thousands of insiders in China’s cosmetics industry,it must be an unforgettable beginning when quarantine was everywhere,along with the shut-down of shops,stagnation of transportation and logistics,as well as the increasing depletion of cash *** put the entire Chinese cosmetics industry into *** terms of the Chinese stock market,it opened as a“meltdown”on February *** listed cosmetics companie...
来源: 维普期刊服务平台 维普期刊服务平台
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